About football for foodbanks
To be honest, our name tells you most of what you need to know. We play casual games of football across the UK. Our profits go directly back into the local community by supporting food banks. A simple concept with a huge impact.
Football For Foodbanks CIC is an organisation that sets up football games, despite being pretty rubbish at football. We encourage rubbish players, because sometimes there isn’t always a platform for them to play.

As soon as our first pitch was booked, it became apparent that there is a huge gap in the sport for casual games of football, offered on a weekly opt-in basis, which cater for all abilities and can accommodate anyone who wants to play.
We’ve now been able to expand to provide some of the only casual games of football for women and gender minorities in the country, along with providing games in six different locations.
How did it start?

Our values & ethos
The matches we organise are for everybody. A core part of our ethos is inclusivity. We do not mind that you have a dodgy knee, have never kicked a ball before, or are feeling a bit old these days. There is a game for you here with us and we will never sit you on the benches.
Our players love a good game of football, but we also love giving everyone a chance to get involved. We have men’s divisions and women and gender minorities’ divisions - you play wherever you feel comfortable.

Keen for a kick about?

Every time you play with us, a portion of your fees goes towards filling cupboards in your local community. We are proud to be able to say that 70% of our profits go directly to local food banks.
Let’s say that a 5-a-side pitch costs £30 for an hour, and there’s ten of you. We’ll charge you £4. The extra quid you have given us goes into the kitty. That’s a tenner made. Half a week’s shopping for some. Job’s a good’un.
At the end of the month, all that spare money gets spent on a massive food shop, which is then all given to a food bank.
How does it work?